FAMILY UPDATE - 11/18/22



Dear Dwelling Place Anaheim family,

We love you and are so grateful for you.

We are writing with some sad but important news that we wanted you to hear from us. This week, a lawsuit was filed against our church and the Board of Directors at Dwelling Place Anaheim.

Over the last several months, we have been aware of this possibility and had hoped to avoid a public airing of ecclesiastical issues. Together, as a team, we have sought to handle this process honorably, relationally, and biblically. But our efforts have not been fruitful, and we are now on a pathway we didn't choose or desire.

We understand that our disassociation from VUSA has caused strong emotions, but we didn't expect individuals to attribute evil intent in the hearts of Alan and Kathryn Scott during their 2018 appointment process, or to deem the board’s decision to disassociate from VUSA four years later improper. The accusations in the complaint couldn't be further from the truth.

As a Board, we wanted you to hear directly from our Senior Pastors, Alan and Kathryn.

We ask for your prayers during this time for all involved, and that God would continue to direct our hearts.

Every Blessing,

Alan and Kathryn Scott and the Board of Dwelling Place Anaheim