Sept 2nd, 2025 - June 5th, 2026
Internships are designed to provide the exposure and experience to build a foundation for your calling. It is for those that are hungry to learn and have the desire to grow in their faith and leadership capacity.
“The most important thing in your life is not what you do; it's who you become.”
Dallas Willard
We believe that the journey of becoming is critical in fulfilling your God-given assignment. We are passionate about investing in the development of people for the sake of purpose. We have created an internship program that provides both exposure and experience in ministry areas that can help on the journey of being formed into who you were created to be.
Who are internships for?
It is for people who have the capacity and passion to serve and grow more into who God has called them to be. It is for those that are hungry to learn and eager to grow. This program isn’t just for young adults or college students, its open to all ages. You will be part of the team here at church that brings hope and healing inside and outside the walls of the church building.
What can I expect?
We expect that God will encounter you and change how you see, love, and partner with the department that you serve in. Our expectation is that the dream in your heart will begin to grow and develop where you do life. You can expect;
Practical experience leading teams and volunteers
Immersion into new and challenging circumstances
Responsibility and hands-on training
Intentional mentorship
Experience in leadership
Where can I intern?
God has given you gifts and talents that are uniquely yours. Find the place where your gifts and talents can be refined and strengthened as an intern. Each department has limited space, which you may not get your first choice, so it is worth considering multiple options when applying.
Rising Generations (YOUTH & KIDS) - Our heart is to raise the rising generations and families with an awareness of who they are, the authority they carry and to become kingdom carriers in the purpose and destiny God has set for them. We have both Youth & kids departments available for internships.
Compassion - Compassion is rising in our city through King’s Table and our food pantry as we serve many families in our region each week. Come and be part of the journey as we bring life to the city.
Media & Communications - We are looking for storytellers, designers, and other creatives to help us share the story God is writing over our city and region. You can learn with our growing media team.
Events & Services - We are looking for those passionate about what God is doing in and through our events & services. You will get hands-on experience in developing teams, executing events, and running services here at Dwelling Place Anaheim.
Missions - Dwelling Place Anaheim is a church called to serve the nations. This year we have launched a missions department with the goal of sending teams to the nations. You will get to serve in the administration and execution of the teams being sent out.
Internships require a minimum of 16 hrs/week commitment. The exact schedule for a week will depend on the department, but all interns will be required to be in the office on Tuesdays.
Min 16hrs / wk
Serving at Sunday Service
How long can I intern for?
The internship runs for nine months, beginning Sept 2nd, 2025, and ending June 5th, 2026.
What are we looking for in an intern?
We are looking for interns who are passionate and servant-hearted and who will wholeheartedly invest nine months of their lives in serving our community here. This internship is for those who are looking for a more 'hands-on' experience and is perfect for those who are at a stage where they want to invest in ministry and their leadership potential.
These internships are an amazing opportunity to grow in leadership, develop your gifts, and expand your vision of what God is doing by serving within our vibrant, mission-focused community at Dwelling Place Anaheim.
During your year here, you will receive leadership development and support from pastoral oversight, you will be trained and equipped in your main ministry area, and you will have the incredible opportunity to experience ministry within our hope-filled and visionary community.
Is there a cost?
The internship costs $295 for the 9-month program.