Family Update | 11.16.23
Statement from the non-employee Board Members of Dwelling Place Anaheim
While this season has been filled with challenges, we are deeply encouraged by the beautiful things happening in Dwelling Place Anaheim. There is much to celebrate, and our hearts are grateful for what God is doing.
We want you to know that as a Board we have been highly engaged over the last couple of years. We felt that now was the right time to share what we have been doing and also explain those moments when it seems we have been silent or refused to comment. As you already know, the church Board, along with Alan and Kathryn Scott, have decided not to publicly defend ourselves in the aftermath of the disassociation with the Vineyard USA Organization. We will continue to follow our convictions and not defend ourselves. Yet, we also recognize there are times when it is essential to clearly communicate with you, especially when there is incomplete, inaccurate, and confusing information presented elsewhere.
We want to assure you that we take any and all allegations against leadership, including Alan Scott, seriously.
When we were approached by Vineyard USA (via email) they informed our Board that they had gathered several “unsolicited complaints” against Alan Scott and his leadership. At that time, we requested that Vineyard USA keep with its own policy, namely, that all allegations should first be brought to the local church government. Vineyard USA not only refused to do this but questioned our capacity and integrity as a Board as a rationale for not complying with our requests for information. While Vineyard USA has not directed anyone making allegations to Alan or the Board, they did state they would pass the contact information of the Human Resources investigator we hired to each of the people who had complaints. To the best of our knowledge, Vineyard USA did that, but no one has come forward to engage in the process with the HR investigator.
We are aware of anonymous allegations reported in media, blogs, and postings. As a Board, we have reviewed these directly with Alan Scott and rightly retained an HR investigator to interview staff and leaders regarding any of the specifics that were printed (or in social media). The investigator also attempted to interview some of the parties quoted in the media report so that all claims could be fully heard and honored. Those who made claims that the investigator reached out to (either directly or through an intermediary), have never come to the Board and have declined to be interviewed by the investigator. We continue to ask Vineyard USA to forward any specifics around allegations to us or the investigator we have retained. We stand ready to investigate and take appropriate action on allegations presented to us.
Regarding the Report from Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland about Alan Scott:
We are aware of a report written by an HR firm regarding the Causeway Coast Vineyard and sponsored by Vineyard Churches UK and Ireland. We have decided not to make a public statement on this report or take action for the reasons listed below.
We do not believe anonymous reporting is a biblical model for problem solving or dealing with those that are hurt. Firstly, there is no way to respond to anonymous communication. Secondly, Matthew 18 calls for discussing such important matters in-person. This is the biblical prescription for understanding, forgiveness, and reconciliation.
This was a report, not an investigation, and the clarification between those two things matters.
a. Reports offer “what people said,” while an investigation assesses the veracity and truthfulness of what was said, along with the context of how/when/where it was said.
b. This report relied on speculation rather than investigation for its “findings.”
c. Many statements were merely repeated even when, later in the report, they were said to have been discredited (found to be inaccurate).
d. Alan Scott was explicitly targeted in the report, yet no corroborating or opposing evidence was interviewed or discussed.
In various statements, including CCV and VCUKI on July 2, 2023, it was stated that “the allegations primarily relate to Alan Scott and have been put to him, but he did not respond.”
a. No allegations were received when the DPA Board asked TrustedHR for them; categorically, NO ALLEGATIONS HAVE BEEN PUT TO ALAN or the DPA Board.
The Board was not involved in this report, how it was formed, or how/if it was impartially carried out.
One of our staff was questioned and did respond, though their responses were not included in the report, even when multiple other responses were included.
We are praying for you and ask you to continue to pray for us also and all those concerned.
Banning Liebscher and Greg Scherer
(Non-employee Dwelling Place Anaheim Board members)