“For God is not a God of disorder; but of peace…Everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way” (1 Corinthians 14:33, 40).”

OUR STRUCTURE: As you invest your hearts, time, family, and finances into Dwelling Place Anaheim, we want you to be able to do so with confidence. We know that people are looking for leaders who conduct themselves with integrity and respect when making decisions that affect their lives. 

Governmental Structure

  • Led by Pastors

    The pastoral staff team is led by the Senior Pastors. This team oversees the day-to-day ministry and operations of the church. These staff pastors serve the congregation and are responsible for developing the spiritual life of the church.

  • Stewarded by Directors

    We have a Board of Directors. This team, appointed by the Senior Pastors, primarily oversees the finances and directs the provision of facilities at Dwelling Place Anaheim. They provide counsel to the Senior Pastors regarding the major financial and legal requirements and commitments of the church.

  • Strengthened by Friendships and Advisors

    We have many friends who speak into our lives and church who are part of the global Church. Their friendship, partnership, insight, and expertise enable Dwelling Place Anaheim to be a healthy flourishing community.

Financial Structure

“A tithe of everything you produce belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord” (Leviticus 27:30). 

Since our finances and faith are connected, what we do with our finances reveals our faith. As we honor God first in our finances, we make a declaration of ownership - namely that everything we have comes from him, and rightfully belongs to him. It is also a declaration of worship: God is first in our lives. Finally, it is a declaration of trust. God is able to and wants to meet our needs, and it is impossible to out-give him.

Inevitably the question arises: how much should I give? Scripture tells us that the amount to give is decided in advance by God. We start by giving a tithe. A ‘tithe’ is giving the first 10% of my income back to God. This giving of 10%, or tithing, is the starting point of giving, intended to train us to put God first in every area of our lives.

This principle of “tithing” was ingrained in the lifestyle and beliefs of the community of God in Scripture. It was expected. While tithes were expected, an “offering” was anything people wanted to give in addition to their tithe. Such offerings became known as “freewill offerings” - meaning to give as you wish or give as you feel led; all such giving was in addition to tithing.

Generosity is something God wants for us, not from us.

We outsource our financial processes to an accounting firm that is created and designed to support churches. One benefit is that our staff & pastors are not the ones handling the money, and there is an additional level of accountability and outside support. 

If you have any questions around our leadership, structure, or finances, our team would be happy to speak with you about it. Please email us at with your questions.