We would love to invite all youth in middle school and high school to join Claire and the team on this Sunday!
Youth Cluster
Sun. Dec 13th - 9.30am - 11.30am
Location: VA Parking Lot
Sign up: here.
How do clusters work?
We will invite clusters of between 25-100 people to come to the parking lot each Sunday morning. We’ll have screens where you can watch the service in socially distanced groups with people you love. We can connect and talk, we can worship and pray together, we can be family. In this way, we can also honor the government, and stay safe while we do it.
While this isn’t where we hoped to be, there are a couple of advantages to meeting in groups like this:
We get to see and authentically connect with one another. Even though technically we could have a larger group while meeting outside, we couldn’t properly connect with everyone, and of course, there would be a significantly increased possibility of infection spreading if COVID-19 was present but we didn’t know about it yet. That’s why we’d like to keep it to groups of 100 per Sunday for now.
As staff, we can hear your stories; journeying our joys and praying together through our pain. We’re so aware that phone calls, zoom groups, and livestream services are helpful, but not the same as being able to see each other in person.
Important Safety Information
Each person will have to pre-register for the event. Each cluster will have limited capacity.
Everybody will have their temperature checked on arrival. Once you park your car, you will be checked in. If your temperature exceeds 100.4 F, you will be unable to attend the cluster.
Each cluster will follow our state’s guidelines. We will be wearing masks during our time together and will be maintaining a social distance of 6 feet where possible.
We will host a different cluster each week until Christmas. At that point, we will take time to review our clusters to see whether we will continue them in the same format as move into the New Year.