Small Groups
to Nov 24

Small Groups

Fall Small Groups - Sept 22nd - Nov 24th

Fall is here, and while it may still feel like summer in SoCal, we're excited for this new season of community! Our fall small groups are launching, and we can’t wait to see what God will do through them.

Small Groups are environments where we connect and grow - but they don’t stop there… Our groups are missional at heart. Groups in the city and for the city - outposts of hope through which we see a transformation of our neighborhoods and communities.

From Groups in places across the region to Courses, from Lifestage group to interest groups, there’s a group for you! Let’s take our next steps in faith, together.

Groups are from Sept 22nd - Nov 24th. Find a group today.

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College Lunch

College Lunch

Join us for College Lunch on Sunday, September 22nd, right after the service!

Whether you're new to town for college, navigating your final year, or recently graduated and figuring out your next steps, we'd love to connect with you over a meal. This is a great opportunity to meet our team, share stories, and build community as we all follow Jesus together.

We can’t wait to meet you—see you there!

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BIG CAMP OUT - Rising Gen Families
to Sep 29

BIG CAMP OUT - Rising Gen Families


Come pitch your tents with us in God's presence, as we have our First Ever Family Campout on the Field! 

Join us for an amazing overnight camping experience as families on Saturday, September 28 - Sunday, September 29th, sleeping in tents out on our field! This will be a beautiful time of fun, adventure and connection with your own family, with others and with God!

Campout Schedule

Saturday, Sept. 28th:
2:00 p.m. - Check in, and set up your campsite.
4:00 p.m. - Fun and games on the Field/Snack Time
5:30 p.m. - Dinner (We will provide Hot Dogs, Chips, Fruit, Drinks)
6:30 p.m. - Campfire Gathering, Worship, Teaching, Ministry as Families
8:00 p.m. - S'mores
8:30 p.m. - Game with the whole family!
9:00 p.m. - Bedtime in tents or under the stars (or option of going home and sleeping in your own beds.)
9:30 p.m. - Parents Time around the campfire (optional)
10:30 p.m. -  Lights out for all.

Sunday, Sept. 29th:
8:00 a.m. - Camping Continental Breakfast (provided)
9:30 am - Check Out
10:00 a.m. - Church

We are going to have so much fun! We hope you can join us!!

Please sign up to reserve your campsite and to ensure we have enough food for all our hungry campers!

* No tents will be provided, please bring your own tent, or feel free to sleep under the stars.

* You will have access to bathrooms, but no shower facilities will be available, we'll be roughing it. =D

* Camp Dwelling Place has limited food options.  If you have special food requirements, feel free to bring what you need.

* This campout is for the whole family, no drop offs, parents/guardians must attend with their students and will be responsible for their own children.

* This event is for our Elementary students and their families. If you also have children in preschool or youth, they are most welcome to join us. 

* For those unable to campout, feel free to stay until bedtime.

* Your Family
* Tent
* Sleeping Bags/Pillows
* Canteen with water (hydro flask and water)
* Personal items
* Jacket
* Clothes
* Snack to share (For Saturday Afternoon)
* Any additional snacks for your family

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Elementary Chapel Launch Night

Elementary Chapel Launch Night

You are invited to our family prayer and worship night next Tuesday, Sept 17th, 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm as we launch our BRAND NEW ELEMENTARY CHAPEL! Your generosity has allowed us to build this space and we are excited to share it with you and our kids. 

We will have a special celebration night with Prayer & Worship - all families are welcome. 

Sept 17th, 6.30pm
Dwelling Place Anaheim

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Prayer in the City

Prayer in the City

We have moved prayer and worship out of the building! Come and join us for a night of prayer and worship at Brookhurst Community Center. 
When: September 15th at 6:00 pm
Where: Brookhurst Community Center - 2271 Crescent Ave, Anaheim, CA 92801

Come, pray, and worship with us. Let's fill the city with our praise.

We'll see you there!

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to Sep 8


“The most important thing in your life is not what you do; it's who you become.”

Dallas Willard

We believe that the journey of becoming is critical in fulfilling your God-given assignment. We are passionate about investing in the development of people for the sake of purpose. We have created an internship program that provides both exposure and experience in ministry areas that can help on the journey of being formed into who you were created to be.

Who are internships for?

It is for people who have the capacity and passion to serve and grow more into who God has called them to be. It is for those who are hungry to learn and eager to grow. This program isn’t just for young adults or college students, it’s open to all ages. You will be part of the team here at church that brings hope and healing inside and outside the walls of the church building.

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Prayer in the City

Prayer in the City

We have moved prayer and worship out of the building! Come and join us for a night of prayer and worship at Brookhurst Community Center. 
When: September 1st at 6:00 pm
Where: Brookhurst Community Center - 2271 Crescent Ave, Anaheim, CA 92801

Come, pray, and worship with us. Let's fill the city with our praise.

We'll see you there!

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Summer Camp
to Aug 18

Summer Camp

We're so excited for Summer Camp 2024! 

This year, we're headed back to Hume SoCal! We'll leave Friday morning and return Sunday evening so we can have Saturday and Sunday full of worship, teaching, fun & activities.  

We don't want finances to get in the way of your youth experiencing camp. We’d love as many students there as possible, and as a result, we have kept costs low to make it accessible to you and your friends. If you have additional financial needs, please reach out to us. 


Summer Camp is for is for middle school and high school students.
Date | 16th-18th August
Location | Hume SoCal (1.5 hour drive from Anaheim) 
Cost | $260 
**cost includes everything: food, accommodation, and camp resources. 


Hume Socal is located in heart of the San Bernardino Mountains. Some activities include lake blob, swimming, water zip-line, airsoft, king swing, Tarzan rope, bubble ball & more! Click HERE to learn more about the venue. 

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Join us as we camp out in God’s presence, enjoy special treats, and worship around the campfire together! See you Sunday campers! 🏕️🏕️🏕️
*Not a camping trip*

Dwelling Place Anaheim
Sunday at 10 am

*Check-in is open from 9.40 am - 10.20 am

**All families to park in the main parking lot and check-in through the main lobby

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Prayer in the City

Prayer in the City

We have moved prayer and worship out of the building! Come and join us for a night of prayer and worship at Brookhurst Community Center. 
When: August 4th at 6:00 pm
Where: Brookhurst Community Center - 2271 Crescent Ave, Anaheim, CA 92801

Come, pray, and worship with us. Let's fill the city with our praise.

We'll see you there!

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Pray LA

Pray LA

Pray LA - Pasadena

We are continuing to expand prayer, bringing it outside of the building, and now outside of our county. We will have our first prayer and worship meeting in Los Angeles on July 21st in the city of Pasadena. 

Join us and be a part of what the Lord is doing beyond our city!

When: July 21st at 6:30 pm
Where: 2588 E Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91107

RSVP below:

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Prayer in the City

Prayer in the City

We have moved prayer and worship out of the building! Come and join us for a night of prayer and worship at Brookhurst Community Center. 

This time we will have food available for the folks who are from Brookhurst that join us that day, we are looking forward to bringing prayer and compassion together on that evening!  

When: July 7th at 5:30 pm
Where: Brookhurst Community Center - 2271 Crescent Ave, Anaheim, CA 92801

So come, pray, and worship with us. Let's fill the city with our praise.

We'll see you there!

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Young Adults Connect (18-24)

Young Adults Connect (18-24)

Join us to connect with young adults aged between 18-24 this Sunday after the service. There will be Jersey Mike Subs, snacks, and delicious coffee. We would love to have you there.

July 7th, after the service

Family Room (first left outside the sanctuary)

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Prayer for Thailand and the Philippines

Prayer for Thailand and the Philippines

As a community, we are increasingly hearing the call of the Lord to go into all nations. Rising Generations Youth is stepping into that story in July by going on missions to Thailand and the Philippines.

We'd love to invite you to join us for a night of worship and prayer, where we will pray for the Philippines, Thailand, and the team as they head out on mission.

Can't wait to see you there.

Where: Prayer Room
When: July 2nd at 7:00 PM

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Here and There Internship
to Jul 14

Here and There Internship

Here in Anaheim, USA
There in Bangkok, Thailand.

A full-time summer immersive experience with Compassion and Mission.

6-8 Weeks // July & August — 2024

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Healing on the Streets Training

Healing on the Streets Training

*New Training Manual 

Saturday, June 29th

Session 1:
 9:30am - 12pm
Session 2:
 1pm - 3:30pm
*Must attend all the sessions.

Healing on the Streets (HOTS) is a simple, but beautiful way, to reach out to the lost and hurting on the streets of our cities. We simply invite people to sit on chairs so we can pray for them. Over the years, HOTS has expanded to 17 countries and over 700 churches. Teams have seen countless healings, salvations, and miracles.

Whether you are interested in being part of the HOTS team or simply want to learn how to heal the sick, then join us for these training events with Mark Marx.

Teaching includes:
- Understanding Kingdom Authority
- Learning to minister in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit
- How Healing Comes
- And More

No experience necessary!

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Family Prayer & Worship

Family Prayer & Worship

Join us for a night of prayer and worship with our families. All ages and stages are welcome.

We believe that cultivating an atmosphere of worship in our homes is significant in the lives of our families. So once a month we want to gather together in the prayer room to set an environment where we can grow in doing this together.

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Prayer in the City

Prayer in the City

We have moved prayer and worship out of the building! Come and join us for a night of prayer and worship at Brookhurst Community Center. 

This time we will pray "with the city", as we invite our friends who come to the pantries at Brookhrust every Saturday, to join us that evening. 

When: June 2nd at 5:30 pm
Where: Brookhurst Community Center - 2271 Crescent Ave, Anaheim, CA 92801

So come, pray, and worship with us. Let's fill the city with our praise.

We'll see you there!

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Prayer for the Nations

Prayer for the Nations

The Lord is gathering the nations in our community, and we are amazed that we get to have glimpses of Revelation 7:9, where people from every nation, tribe, and tongue, come together to worship one man, Jesus Christ.

So join us for a multicultural night of worship and prayer, as we gather the nations to celebrate Jesus as one family in different languages. 

Can't wait to see you there.

Where: Prayer Room
When: Thursday, May 30th at 7:00pm

Afterward, we will be sharing snacks from different countries! *Bring a snack from your country. 

Revelation 5:9 

“And they sang a new song, saying: ‘You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood, you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.’”

Revelation 7:9-10

“After this, I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: ’Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.’”

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RG Family Prayer & Worship Night

RG Family Prayer & Worship Night

Join us for our family prayer & worship night in the Prayer Room, 6.30 pm - 7.30 pm. We want to cultivate an environment where we get to worship and pray together as families and we hope that this would be something we then cultivate in our homes. We would love to see your family join us.

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In baptism we identify with Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection and publicly declare our intention to follow Him.

On May 19th, Dwelling Place Anaheim will be hosting baptisms at the end of Sunday service.

Baptism interest form below:

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Prayer in the City

Prayer in the City

We are moving prayer and worship out of the building! Come and join us for a night of prayer and worship at Brookhurst Community Center as we end our Go Pray Week. 

We are so thrilled to bring prayer and worship out of the prayer room, and into the place that hosts our food pantries every Saturday.

When: May 5th at 5:30 pm
Where: Brookhurst Community Center - 2271 Crescent Ave, Anaheim, CA 92801

So come, pray, and worship with us. Let's fill the city with our praise.

We'll see you there!

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Family Fun Day

Family Fun Day

Join us Sunday, May 5th after the service for a time of connection, food and fun!

We love our church family and we want to create an intentional space where we as a community here at Dwelling Place Anaheim can connect, eat, and have fun together. 

When: May 5th, Cinco De Mayo after the service
Where: Church Field
Who: Everyone is welcome!

Taco Trucks, Music, and fun for kids and youth! 

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Go Pray Week
to May 5

Go Pray Week


This week is all about adding feet to our prayers and connecting with God in our own neighborhoods, homes, and workplaces. 

- Prayer is accessible no matter where you find yourself. We are embarking on a journey to explore prayer in all aspects of life. Over the past two years, we’ve engaged in prayer, and now it's time to put action to those prayers. Seek out a place and let your voice be heard, whether it's for 10 minutes or 30 minutes – whatever time you can spare. 

- There are no predefined themes; instead, trust in the guidance of the Holy Spirit to direct your prayers toward the people and concerns on your heart. Whether you're at work, school, a coffee shop, or on the go, you can actively engage in prayer, either by interacting with those around you or interceding on their behalf.

- You can even pray while driving or working out at the gym. Our objective is not to build physical prayer spaces but to foster an atmosphere of prayer wherever you are. So, set aside a specific time to pray and be attuned to the Holy Spirit's leading in your prayers.

- If you ever feel stuck, turn to the Lord's Prayer, offering thanksgiving for the presence of His kingdom and His work all around you. We are committed to raising awareness about the power of prayer, with the understanding that the Lord is always with us.

- If you'd like, you can join one of our scheduled prayer sessions with HOTS at Dwelling Place Anaheim or Brookhurst. Email and get in touch with us to join. However, the most meaningful place to pray is one you discover on your own. 

We will be wrapping up our week of prayer on
May 5th together in West Anaheim - Location & time TBD. Once you have registered, an email will be sent to you with information about this meeting.

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Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday

Gather with us for Easter on Sunday, March 31st at 10:00 AM.
- Rising Generations Youth will meet before the service at 9:30 AM for breakfast and games, and will be joining in the main sanctuary at 10:00 AM.
- Preschool to Elementary check-in will be at 9:40 AM.

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Wednesday Night Worship Training

Wednesday Night Worship Training

On Wednesday, March 27th we’ll be hosting our Wednesday Night Worship Training. 

There are two sessions we would like to host this upcoming this time, we are hosting an “Exploring Worship” meeting for passionate and skilled worship leaders, musicians, and audio/visual/tech people interested in learning more about worship at Dwelling Place Anaheim and how to get involved. 

During our time together you’ll hear from Kathryn, Alan and some of our community on the heart behind the worship expression of this house. We’ll talk through various areas of involvement and practical ‘next steps’ in exploring further. 

The other training is called “Leading Worship in a Small Group”. We'll be sharing some heart and practical steps to lead in a small group setting.

We will be meeting over coffee and desserts! 

Spaces are limited so we encourage you to register today.

*There will be no Wednesday Worship Night on March 27th. This meeting is in place of the Worship Night.

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Prayer of the Nations

Prayer of the Nations

The Lord is gathering the nations in our community, and we are amazed that we get to have glimpses of Revelation 7:9, where people from every nation, tribe, and tongue, come together to worship one man, Jesus Christ.

So join us for a multicultural night of worship and prayer, as we gather the nations to celebrate Jesus as one family in different languages. 

Can't wait to see you there.

Where: Prayer Room
When: February 29th at 7:30pm

Afterward, we will be sharing snacks from different countries! *Bring a snack from your country. 

Revelation 5:9 

“And they sang a new song, saying: ‘You are worthy to take the scroll and to open its seals, because you were slain, and with your blood, you purchased for God persons from every tribe and language and people and nation.’”

Revelation 7:9-10

“After this, I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. They were wearing white robes and were holding palm branches in their hands. And they cried out in a loud voice: ’Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.’”

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Wednesday Night Worship Training

Wednesday Night Worship Training

On the last Wednesday of the month, our worship community will be leading three different Worship workshops at Dwelling Place Anaheim. 

Instead of our weekly Prayer and Worship in the prayer room, you will have an opportunity to be trained in different areas of worship. 

There are 3 workshops to choose from*:
1. Songwriting
2. Creativity
3. Pastoring worshippers (for worship leaders only)

*Please sign up for a workshop in your registration!

This night will not be streamed.

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Exploring Prayer Lunch

Exploring Prayer Lunch

No great move of God has ever happened outside of prayer. We are breaking ground to create a culture of prayer at Dwelling Place Anaheim that searches for and yields to our Father's direction, agrees with Him, and follows Him. We have seen countless lives changed, healings, and salvations as a direct result of specific prayers we've prayed together. We are inviting you to step into the story of God through prayer for the sake of the city.

This lunch is for anyone interested in engaging in corporate prayer at Dwelling Place Anaheim. We'd love to get meet with you, share some next steps in prayer and different areas you can get involved.

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