21 Days of Prayer and Fasting | Renewed Hunger and Desire
January 7 - 27
Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Matthew 6:33
Why are we declaring a fast?
We are setting the course for the rest of the year. It’s new to us but not new for the people of God.
When Jesus talked about fasting he placed it in the context of new wine. We sense God is already pouring out new wine upon us and among us. We hear the new sound of the new day and we want to prepare our hearts for this year by fasting together from January 7th until January 27th. On January 28th during the 10 AM service, we will have a morning of worship, impartation, and celebration.
As we pray and fast together, we are expressing our desire for the Spirit of God to keep being poured out upon us in increasing measure throughout the whole of the year. We are expressing that desire personally. We are expressing that desire corporately. We are expressing that desire publicly.
As we pray and fast together, we are expressing our desire for the glory of God to be seen in the nations of the earth. And while the nations will be shaken, we are praying that the desire of all nations will come, and He will fill His house with glory.
These are the themes of our desires and our prayers this month. Now we believe God, will do many other things as we fast together.
He will re-order our desires,
He will remove what has been oppressing you.
He will renew our lives,
He will release His kingdom power
He will reveal His purpose to you.
This is the year of prayer, a year of hunger, a year of expressed desire. And we invite you to start the year off right and discover the rewards of putting God first!
How to Fast - Fasting, in a biblical context, is the practice of abstaining from food for spiritual reasons. We can find many examples of fasts in the Bible and are able to categorize them into three dietary methods here.
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